Ranboo's Boundaries

@bootwt , @ranboolovebots

Ranboo's Boundaries
  • Personal Info: Do not search for/speculate about personal information about him (real name, sexuality or anything else he’s purposefully kept private)

  • Don't baby him (telling him to go to bed because he said he was tired, telling him to go eat etc...)

  • Do not post screenshots of his personal discord messages out of context

  • Location/finding him outside: he's stated that he is okay with people trying to find him as long as you are not weird about the way you find him and don't try to spread where he is. This is only when he is in a super public place (so not a store or somewhere you wouldn't expect him to be)

The screenshot was in response to one of his previous mods stating to not attack a different mod that met up with Ranboo. In which he responded with the tweets above

  • Swoon/admire: In his Twitch description, he says that he is fine with people swooning/admiring him, as long as they are respectful about it.

Updated FAQ (second picture)

  • Cosplay: In response to a donation asking if he is fine with cosplay, Ranboo says that he thinks it’s cool.

  • Fanfiction: Ranboo has said that he is okay with fanfiction involving him, as long as it isn’t NSFW.

  • NSFW: He is not okay with NSFW of him in any context

  • Fan Art: he's okay with fan art as long as it's not NSFW, he's also stated that he's okay with genderbent fanart/cosplay!

Spreading Negativity: He's said that he doesn't like people taking negative things from his streams and spreading it (example: a rude/toxic dono , chat being weirdchamp , etc). He’s also stated that he does not want to be associated with negatively and wants people to be respectful.

  • Fanmerch: Ranboo has responded to a tweet containing a picture of unofficial Ranboo merch that someone saw by encouraging people not to buy Ranboo merch from unofficial websites. This suggests that he is not okay with people selling their own fanmerch.

Shipping: do not ship him with anyone.

  • Drama: he does not want people to involve him on unnecessary drama

  • Profile Picture: he is fine with people using his pictures as a pfp but he doesn’t want to be connected with drama so that would probably include using his pfp, having him in your user, etc, while engaging in drama. He's also expressed that once he face reveals, he prefers that you don't have it as your pfp and would rather have people use the pictures with him wearing the mask and glasses!

  • Wiki Pages: he doesn't want anyone to edit unrelated wiki pages to make it about him, he wants people to get the information they need and stuff, wants his community to be responsible

  • Zoomed In Pictures: do not zoom in parts of his face, that's an invasion of privacy.

  • Swearing: he doesn't say bad words and he thinks its weird that people want him to

  • Spam:- Do not spam his name/that he’s live in other streamer’s chats - this is just Twitch etiquette!

  • Comparison: Do not compare him/his growth to other streamers.

  • "Hot takes": he doesn't want people speaking for him (i.e. what you think he wants). This goes more on the idea of having to defend Ranboo and most likely the “Ranboo I’ll protect you” comments. If he thinks there's an issue with something, he'll address it.

  • People breaking boundaries: he has stated that if you see someone say/do one of these things, don’t bring more attention to it. Everyone commenting and qrting, or screenshotting something from another platform and posting it gives it MORE attention and makes it more likely he’ll see it. He encourages people to respectfully ask someone to take it down and if they don't, just block and move on!

  • Angst in fanworks: Ranboo is fine with angst and has reacted to an animatic of his character, praising the fact that it was angsty; specifically saying things like “the angst is great”. This implies that he is okay with angsty/sad portrayals of his character, at least in animatics (and most likely in fanfiction too, considering he is okay with that).

  • Clips/Twitter Spaces/Discord Stages: Ranboo is okay with people making a twitter space/record for those that miss any discord stages/spaces.

  • Stream Highlights/Clips: he is okay with those being uploaded on Youtube but to not post it in a clickbait way or as a way to purposely mislead people to see it. Be respectful when it comes to the uploads and this also applies to twitter spaces/discord stages uploaded in any other platform!